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voces que dejan huellas
por Eduardo Ortiz Moreno



Novelista estadounidense famosa por sus obras de suspenso

The British Library (CD)

American Writers

en la voz de
de los autores

Disco 1

   Americans point of view
   de Gertrude Stein

   Address from the 1940 Writers Committee for Roosevelt Conference
   de Sinclair Lewis

   Interview with Anita Loos
   de Anita Loos

   Playback Dr. No
   de Raymond Chandler

   Extract from O´Neill´s "Long day journey into night"
   de Eugene O´Neill

   de Henry Miller

   Speech at the Gallaudet College
   de Pearl Buck

   Interview with James Thurber
   de James Thurber

   Shakespeare: Othello (extract)
   de F Scott Fitzgerald

   Talk on Gertrude Stein and Emily Dickinson
   de Thornton Wilder

   Summer review
   de Vladimir Nabokov

Disco 2

   Interview with John Steinbeck
   de John Steinbeck

   A story no-one else can tell
   de Isaac Bashevis Singer

   Omnibus: Lillian Hellman
   de Lillian Hellman

   de James Michener

   A curtain of green
   de Eudora Welty

   Frankly speaking
   de Tennessee Williams

   de Mary McCarthy

   William S. Burroughs and the algebra of need
   de William S Burroughs

Disco 3

   Interview with Ralph Ellison
   de Ralph Ellison

   The arts in Scotland
   de Saul Bellow

   de Arthur Miller

   de Patricia Highsmith

   The world of books
   de James Baldwin

   Styron´s choice
   de William Styron

   de Gore Vidal

   Interview with Toni Morrison
   de Toni Morrison